Laboratory of spectroscopic imaging for radiobiology, therapy, and of complex systems research in the Institute of Nuclear Physics of Polish Academy of Sciences in Krakow
- creation of a modern region-wide laboratory, capable of carrying out unique research on the impact of ionizing radiation on living organisms and providing research facilities for the Bronowice Cyclotron Centre
- conducting research, using physical methods, for the purpose of eradication cancer and other pathologies. This includes spectroscopic imaging of cells and tissues (examining the internal structure of cells, the cytoskeleton organization, its mechanical and biochemical properties) as well as research at the molecular level
- carrying out fundamental research in the field of structural and vibrational analysis of condensed matter
2007 - 2013
Priority Axis 5. Krakow Metropolitan Area
Action 5.1 Krakow Metropolitan Area as an important hub of European Research Area
Research infrastructure – development or restructuring, expansion, and refurbishment of research laboratiories, as well as modernization of laboratory equipment
Total project cost: 11 791 987,51 PLN
UE support: 9 890 099,22 PLN
Own contribution: 1 901 888,29 PLN
Project co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund under the Małopolska Regional Operational Programme for 2007-2013