Measuring range: 8000 - 10 cm-1
MIR – high energy ceramic
FIR - Mercury light
Beam splitter:
MIR (8000 cm-1 - 350 cm-1)
MIR-FIR (6000 cm-1 - 50 cm-1)
FIR1 (680 cm-1 - 30 cm-1)
FIR2 (55 cm-1 - 10 cm-1)
MIR: DLATGS (KBr), DLATGS (PE) 7000 cm-1 -10 cm-1
MIR-FIR: broadband (KBr)
FIR: Bolometer (650 cm-1 - 10 cm-1)
Microscope (7000 cm-1 - 10 cm-1)
Detectors: MCT, MCT FPA
Objectives: 15x, 36x
Project co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund under the Małopolska Regional Operational Programme for 2007-2013